sport coaching

Spectrum of Teaching Style-Lerner-Designed Individual Program Style (I)

Spectrum of Teaching Style-Lerner-Designed Individual Program Style (I)

This is the tenth out of a series of blogs explaining Mosston & Ashworth's Spectrum of Teaching Styles. In this blog, I explain the Lerner-Designed Individual Program Style of teaching from the Spectrum of Teaching Styles.

Spectrum of Teaching Style-Divergent Discovery Style (H)

Spectrum of Teaching Style-Divergent Discovery Style (H)

This is the ninth out of a series of blogs explaining Mosston & Ashworth's Spectrum of Teaching Styles. In this blog, we explain the Divergent Discovery Style of teaching from the Spectrum of Teaching Styles.

The Coach–Athlete Relationship in Strength and Conditioning: High Performance Athletes’ Perceptions

The Coach–Athlete Relationship in Strength and Conditioning: High Performance Athletes’ Perceptions

A well-structured, scientifically driven program with high performing athletes depend on effective coaching leadership. This entry summarizes the article from Foulds and colleagues (2019) ‘The coach–Athlete relationship in strength and conditioning: High performance athletes’ perceptions’. This article is based on the 3+1 C’s and the perception of high-performance athletes’ of S&C coaches. We bring insights about different pieces of the human performance puzzle that are important for a deeper understanding of effective leadership and coach-athlete relationship